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What do Osteopaths treat?

Osteopaths treat more than you think.

  • Head ache – the most common type of headaches originate from muscle stiffness or joint strain in the neck and/or upper thoracic region.
  • Whip Lash – muscle damage and injuries from whiplash can contribute to long term pain if unaddressed.
  • Shoulder Problems – sitting in front of computers and sedentary occupations can contribute to complex shoulder problems
  • Tennis Elbow – did you know this is frequently caused by repetitive use of a computer keyboard and mouse.
  • Asthma – Osteopaths don’t treat asthma; however, sufferers can benefit from osteopathic treatment to relieve musculoskeletal related symptoms, such pain and muscle tightness that may assist with easier breathing and movement.
  • RSI – repetitive strain injuries may be prevented or helped with regular osteopathic treatment and advice.
  • Posture problems – can lead to other common conditions such as sciatica, upper back pain and headaches.
  • Back pain – up to 80% of Australians suffer back pain at some point in their life. Osteopaths, as holistic practitioners, consider the many factors that can contribute to your back pain.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – surgery may not be your only option, consider manual therapy in the management of this condition.
  • Digestive Problems – adults are not the only people who suffer digestive problems, babies and children can also respond well to osteopathic care for these conditions.
  • Sciatica – can be caused by a range of different problems. Your Osteopath can assist in identifying the underling cause.
  • Knee Pain – with the right treatment and advice knee pain can be effectively managed.
  • Shin Splints – poor footwear, including thongs, can lead to shin splints. Osteopaths treat the soft tissues as well as the joints to help with this condition.
  • Heel or foot pain – Osteopaths can help with pain from conditions such as plantar fasciitis, ankle sprain or heal spurs.
  • Pregnancy and Post Natal Care – your Osteopath can help prevent or manage a wide range of pre and post-natal conditions, either solely or in conjunction with other health care practitioners.
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